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Listing Agents

Outside agent signage information:

Contact Minuteman Press directly at 512-931-2211, they know the format and layout of the signs for Cimarron Hills.  Once the sign is completed, Minuteman will deliver it to the sales office.  Once delivered, you have two options for the installation.  You may contact Adam Gebert at 512-560-1892 or Adam will install the sign for you with 72 hours of notification (unless otherwise noted), the fee is $75.00 per sign, paid directly to Mr. Gebert.  If you choose to install the sign yourself, there are guidelines to follow to stay within the HOA requirements.  You may contact Adam Gebert regarding the materials you will need.

Open Houses:

Outside agents hosting open houses in Cimarron Hills will need to check out Open House signs at the Sales Office.  Agents are to use Cimarron Hills compliant signs only.  Outside agency signage is prohibited and will be taken down.  This includes off of HWY 29 at the entrance of Cimarron Hills as well as placement in the yard of the open house.